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3-Pass Klondike Solitaire

3-Pass Klondike Solitaire is just like regular classic solitaire, but with a few added bonuses that set it apart from your traditional gaming experience. Solitaire players will play the game the traditional way, but flipping one card at a time into the waste deck and trying to put all the cards into the foundation based out suit. The game is more difficult, though, because it allows only 3 passes through the deck. Always play Klondike Solitaire online at Card Game Solitaire for absolutely free.

Klondike Solitaire

  • For more experienced card game players
  • Restricted to only 3 passes through deck
  • New cards, features & artwork
  • New surprise ending!


DISCLAIMER: The games on this website are using PLAY (fake) money. No payouts will be awarded, there are no "winnings", as all games represented by 247 Games LLC are free to play. Play strictly for fun.

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